四声 sìshēng
(1) [the four tones of classical Chinese phonetics]∶古汉语字调有平声、上声、去声、入声四声
(2) [the four tones of modern standard Chinese pronunciation]∶中国普通话的字调有阴平、阳平、上声、去声四声
英语 the four tones of classical Chinese phonetics, namely: level or even tone 平聲|平声, third tone 上聲|上声, fourth tone 去聲|去声, entering tone 入聲|入声, the four tones of modern standard Chinese pronunciation, namely: First or high level tone 陰平聲|阴平声, Second or rising tone 陽平聲|阳平声, Third or low-falling-raising tone 上聲|上声, Fourth or falling tone 去聲|去声
德语 die vier Töne (des modernen Hochchinesisch)
法语 quatre tons